5 Contoh Narrative Text Singkat Pengalaman Pribadi Beserta Strukturnya

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 6 Oktober 2022 | 10:00 WIB
Berikut ini adalah 5 contoh teks naratif atau narrative text tentang pengalaman pribadi beserta strukturnya. (Freepik)

However, when the holiday came, I suddenly fell ill with a fever. My parents didn't even allow me to go on vacation with my friends.

I was very disappointed, but I had no other choice but to lie in my room for three days.

For three days, I read many books that I had not had time to read. The book is a collection of fairy tales, short stories, and children's knowledge books that my parents bought me long ago.


It turned out to be a lot of fun reading! I enjoy my vacation at home by reading many books and gaining new knowledge.

Narrative text adalah teks yang ditulis dalam tenses lampau, ya. (Freepik)

Teman-teman, itulah contoh narrative text singkat mengenai pengalaman pribadi.

Baca Juga: Review Text: Penjelasan, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Teksnya



Kenapa tokoh pada Example 1 telat ke sekolah?

Petunjuk: Cek halaman 2!

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