Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Reguler dan Irregular Verb
1. Regular Verb
Mother: Riri, I will go to Ibu Ratna's house. Will you come along?
Riri: Yes, ma'am, I want to come. I changed clothes first.
Mother: Riri, have you taken a shower?
Riri: Of course I took a shower, ma'am. I took a shower before eating earlier.
Mother: Alright then.
Ibu: Riri, ibu akan pergi ke rumah Ibu Ratna. Apakah kamu mau ikut?
Riri: Iya, bu, aku mau ikut. Aku ganti baju lebih dulu.
Ibu: Riri, apakah kamu sudah mandi?
Riri: Tentu aku sudah mandi, bu. Aku mandi sebelum makan tadi.
Ibu: Baiklah kalau begitu.
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