Soal dan Pembahasan Materi Bahasa Inggris Penggunaan 'Do' dan 'Does' pada Kalimat

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 7 Maret 2022 | 11:30 WIB
Soal Bahasa Inggris penggunaan Do/Does (Photo by cottonbro from Pexels)

2. Martha and Jenny ___ not like each other.

3. I ___ apologize, Ma'am.

4. My parents ___ not like loud noise.

5. She ___ like the cake.

6. ___ Mr. Clark love the gift?

7. She ___ feel like a rockstar.

8. ___ not talk to me!

Baca Juga: Penggunaan 'Do' dan 'Does' Beserta Contoh Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

9. Papa ___ not realize anything at all.

10. Hunter ___ his assigment.

11. ___ it hurt?

12. ___ I know you?