- hasn't = has not- haven't = have not- hadn't = had not
- isn't = is not- mayn't = may not- mustn't = must not- needn't = need not
- shan't = shall not- shouldn't = should not- wasn't = was not
- weren't = were not- won't = will not- wouldn't = would not
Other Contractions (Singkatan yang lain)
- There's a book. = There is a book (Ada sebuah buku)
- What's is that. = What is that? (Apa itu?)
- Who's he? = Who is he? (Siapakah dia?)
- Who'll be there? = Who will be there? (Siapa yang akan berada disana?
Informal Constractions (Singkatan Informal)
Selain singkatan kata dalam tenses, ternyata ada singkatan kata informal. Seperti kata gonna dan wanna.