5 Contoh Recount Bahasa Inggris Beserta Struktur dan Artinya

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 16 Juni 2022 | 14:30 WIB
5 contoh recount text. (Pexels/pixabay)

Orientation:My mother often shopped for our daily needs.

Events:Once, my mother took my father to accompany her to go to the mall.While mom was shopping at the supermarket, dad decided to wait outside.After mom finished shopping, she couldn't find dad anywhere. I didn't even bring my cell phone. Finally, the mother called the mall security officer.Upon investigation, it turned out that my father had fallen asleep in the car.

Re-orientation:Since then, my mother didn't want to take my father shopping at the mall and often went alone or took me.

Baca Juga: Materi Bahasa Inggris, Pengertian Recount Text Beserta 3 Contohnya

4. Peristiwa Lucu di Mall

Ibuku sering berbelanja untuk kebutuhan kami sehari-hari.

Suatu ketika, ibuku mengajak ayah untuk menemaninya pergi ke mall.Ketika ibu berbelanja di supermarket, ayah memutuskan untuk menunggu di luar.

Setelah ibu selesai berbelanja, dia tidak bisa menemukan ayah di mana pun. Ayah pun tidak membawa ponselnya. Akhirnya ibu menghubungi petugas keamanan mall.Setelah diselidiki, ternyata ayahku tertidur di dalam mobil.

Sejak saat itu, ibu tidak mau mengajak ayah berbelanja ke mall dan lebih sering pergi sendiri atau mengajakku.

5. Internet Friends

Orientation:I like surfing the internet, looking for news, information, and making friends on social media.I have a friend on the internet. We meet on social media and often email each other. This friend of mine is a 5th grader at the same age as me.

Events:One day, we want to meet and talk face to face. Finally we were looking for the right schedule. We also asked for the home address. That's when I was very surprised that my virtual friend is my own neighbor who lives 10 meters from my house.