- He is my older brother. (Dia adalah kakak laki-lakiku.)
- He jogs everyday to the park. (Dia melakukan jogging setiap hari ke taman.)
- He plays basketball very well. (Dia bermain bola basket dengan baik.)
- He watches a movie and orders a juice. (Dia menonton film dan memesan jus.)
- He teaches English in school. (Dia mengejarkan Bahasa Inggris ke skeolah.)
Contoh Kalimat dari Subjek She (Dia)
- She is my mother. (Dia adalah ibuku.)
- She wears a blue dress. (Dia memakai gaun biru.)
- She is my older sister. (Dia adalah kakak perempuanku.)
- She buys ice cream and pizza. (Dia membeli es krim dan pizza.)
- She has fever and feels dizzy. (Dia punya demam dan merasa pusing.)