Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Reading' Chapter 3 Unit 2: My House Chores

By Fransiska Viola Gina, Selasa, 6 September 2022 | 19:30 WIB
Menjawab soal bahasa inggris unit 2: My House Chores. (freepik/pikisuperstar)

1. Who takes out the trash?

Galang takes out the trash.

2. Who cleans the window?

Pak Rahmansyah cleans the window.

3. Who mops the floor?

Sinta mops the floor

4. Who puts the toys away?

Tamara puts the toys away.

Complete the Sentenced based Text "Let's Clean Up!"

1. Galang takes out the trash every day

2. Sinta sweeps and mops the floor every day

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