- Pada halaman 64 - 66 buku Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka kelas 5 SD, kita diminta untuk mengerjakan soal Look and Write.
Sebelum mengerjakan, kita ingat-ingat terlebih dahulu apa yang sudah kita pelajari sebelumnya di unit 6, yuk!
Pada unit ini kita mempelajari "Parts of Our Body That Work Together" yang artinya "bagian tubuh yang bekerja sama".
Di sini kita akan mempelajar tentang kosakata bagian tubuh dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Mulai dari kepala (head), pipi (cheeks), mata (eye), tangan (hand), jari (finger), lutut (knees), hingga kaki (legs).
Nah, sekarang teman-teman coba untuk mengerjakan soalnya terlebih dahulu, ya.
Kalau sudah, kita cocokkan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawaban berikut ini.
Look and Write (halaman 64 - 65)
Look at the pictures and arrange the words.
1. Uses - Cici - her - headset - music - to listen to - the
Answer: Cici uses her headset to listen to the music
2. His - foot - uses - Made - to play - Balap Karung Race
Answer: Made uses his foot to play Balap Karung Race
3. Made - his hand - to pick - an apple - uses
Answer: Mare uses his hand to pick an apple
4. They - their - nose - use - the rose - to smell
Answer: They use their nose to smell the rose
5. Walks - the rabbit - to - the - cage
Answer: The rabbis walks to the cage.
Look and Write (halaman 66)
Look at the picture and write a short story.
Picture 1
Baca Juga: Selain Happy Sunday, Ini 15 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Hari Minggu dalam Bahasa Inggris
Cici and Aisyah got to the zoo. They look at the cage. There are an elephant, a giraffe , and two deers. The elephant eat the grass uses his trunk. The giraffe eats the leaves.
Picture 2
They also see the horse walk around the deer. And they talk about the other animal too. They see giraffe eat leaves. Not long, they see monkey climb the tree.
Nah, itulah tadi kunci jawaban Look and Answer halaman 64 - 66, Unit 6: Parts of Our Body That Work Together.
Sumber: My Next Word Grade 5 - Student's Book for Elementary School
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