Cari Jawaban 'Look and Answer' Unit 7: How Tall Are You?, Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 5 SD

By Sarah Nafisah, Senin, 3 Oktober 2022 | 08:15 WIB
Kunci jawaban soal Look and Write halaman 72 - 73, Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka kelas 5 SD. (@graphicsrf via Canva)

Is the goat fast? ____


- Yes, it is. The horse is fast.

- No, it is not. The goat is slow.

7. Is the red ruler long? ____

Is the blue ruler long? ____


- Yes, it is. The red ruler is long.

- No, it is not. The blue ruler is short.

8. Is the cat small?

Is the rabbit small?

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