- Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name is (sebutkan nama). Today, I am honored to bring some material for our discussion in this class about (judul presentasi). I am hoping that you can follow my presentation for our discussion session later.
- Good morning, everyone! Let us introduce ourselves. We are from (sebutkan grup). Today, we are honored to bring some material for our discussion in this class about (judul presentasi). We are hoping that you can follow our presentation for our discussion session later.
e. Contoh 5
- Hello, everyone. My name is (sebutkan nama)/ we are from (sebutkan grup). In this occasion, I am/we are proud to initiate our discussion about this subject by our following presentation under the title (judul presentasi). We are hoping that you can follow my/our presentation for our discussion session later.
Contoh Kalimat Pembuka Presentasi
a. Contoh 1
Good morning, everyone! We are from Group 1. In this nice occasion, we will talk about Vertebrae Animals. We are hoping that you can follow our presentation for our discussion later.
(Selamat pagi, semuanya! Kami dari Kelompok 1. Di kesempatan yang baik ini, kita akan membahas tentang Hewan Vertebrata. Kami berharap kalian bisa mengikuti presentasi kami untuk diskusi nanti.)
b. Contoh 2
Good morning, everyone! We are from Group 2. We are proudly present the materials for our study, under the title ASEAN Countries. We are hoping that you can follow our presentation for our discussion later.
(Selamat pagi, semuanya! Kami dari Kelompok 2. Kami dengan bangga akan mempresentasikan bahan belajar kita, dengan judul Negara-Negara ASEAN. Kami berharap kalian bisa mengikuti presentasi kami untuk diskusi nanti.)
Baca Juga: 5 Trik Percaya Diri Berbicara di Depan Umum, Cocok untuk Orang Introvert