Cockatoos are a type of bird in the parrot family, but they're different from parrots because they have crests, or tufts of feathers, on top of their heads. Also, cockatoos are usually black and white while parrots usually have bright colors.
Cockatoos are recognisable by the showy crests and curved and strong bills. Their plumage is generally less colourful than that of other parrots, being mainly white, grey or black and often with coloured features in the crest, cheeks or tail.
On average they are larger than other parrots; however, the Cockatiel, the smallest cockatoo species, is a small bird.
Example 4: Alligator
Alligator is a large reptile that looks like a crocodile, but they are different. Alligators are large lizardlike animals with long, rounded snouts and powerful tails. They spend most of their time in the water, but they also travel on land.
Alligators have many features in common with crocodiles. They have thick skin composed of many scales and plates. They each have a long body and four short legs. The eyes, ears, and nostrils are located on top of the head. These show above the water when the animal floats.
However, there are easy ways to tell alligators and crocodiles apart. One of the most obvious is that alligators have broad, rounded snouts, while most crocodiles have narrow, pointed snouts.
Example 5: Honeybee
Honey bee is one kind of flying insect that widely distributed in the world. Honeybee has ability to collect nectar from flowers and produce honey.
Most bees are black, often with yellow or brown markings. They have stocky bodies that are covered with many hairs to which pollen adheres.
Like all insects, bees have six legs. They have two pairs of wings and five eyes. They also have mouth parts that act like a long tongue. Female bees also have a stinger.
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