25 Kalimat If Clause Sebagai Reminder, Suggestion, General Truth, Imperative, To Show A Dream

By Niken Bestari, Rabu, 12 Oktober 2022 | 12:00 WIB
Berikut ini adalah 25 kalimat if clause sebagai reminder, suggestion, general truth, imperative, dan to show a dream. (Freepik)

3. If clause + General Truth

- If you drink coffee too much, you can not sleep well tonight.

- If you are below 18 years old, you will need the parents allowance.

- If you don't clean your room regularly, it will be so dirty.

- If you peel apple and let it in room temperature, its color will turn dark.

- If your skin is exposed to sunlight for too long, the melanin pigment will be formed to protect your skin.

4. If Clause + An Imperative

- If you don't want to be late, get ready immediately!

- If you don't want to get wet, don't swim!

- If you want to apologize, do it now!

- If you want to know him better, introduce yourself!

Baca Juga: Conditional Sentence: Pengertian, Tipe, dan Contoh Kalimatnya