Cari Jawaban Activity 3, Unit 2: Fairy Tale 'The Goose Girl' Kurikulum Merdeka

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022 | 11:30 WIB
Berikut ini adalah jawaban soal activity 3, Unit 2: Fairy Tale 'The Goose Girl' halaman 47 Bahasa Inggris kurikulum Merdeka XI. (Freepik) - Teman-teman, pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris XI, kita akan banyak belajar tentang Fairy Tale pada Unit 2.

Coba buka buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris XI Kurikulum Merdeka halaman 44, maka teman-teman akan menemukan teks naratif atau narrative text mengenai dongeng berjudul The Goose Girl.

Pada halaman 47, kita akan menemukan Soal Activity 3 terkait bacaan The Goose Girl.

Yuk, kita bahas jawaban soal tersebut bersama-sama.

Jangan lupa untuk mendiskusikan jawaban soal berikut ini dengan guru dan teman-teman yang lain, ya!

Jawaban Soal Activity 3: The Goose Girl

Access and retrieve

1. What is the story about?

Answer: The story a princess, Princess Ani, who can speak to animal and fought to get her identity back.

2. What special abilities did the main character have that other characters in the story did not?

Answer: She can speak to animals.

Baca Juga: 4 Contoh Narrative Text Fairy Tale Beserta Struktur dan Artinya

3. Why wasn’t Ani appointed as Kildenree queen even though she was the first child in the family?

Answer: Because she will bethroted to the prince of Bayern, since her younger sister is too young to marry.

4. Explain how ‘the goose girl’ got her name.

Answer: Ani met the king of Bayern but she ended uptelling him that she was new to the city and had nowhere to go. Hence, the king assigned her as a goose girl.

5. What was Selia’s plan to abolish Kildenree?

Answer: Selia stole the identity of Princess Ani, and went to Bayern and get close to the prince. She said that Kildenree will attack Bayern, so Bayern planned to attack Kildenree first.

6. How did Ani finally get her identity back?

Answer: Ani was helped by Talone, her old guard.

Integrate and interpret

1. How did Ani’s character change in the story?

Answer: She changed from fearful girl to brave girl to fight Selia.

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Deskriptif atau Descriptive Text Tentang Orang Terkenal

2. Describe Ani’s and the queen’s characteristics? What differences and similarities are there?

Answer: Ani is carefree girl and the queen is tough woman. The similarity is she and her mother is clever women to handle the situation.

3. In the story, it was told that the queen did not appoint Ani as the future queen. What do you think of the queen’s deed? Is it a betrayal? Is it a political move? Or is it a selfish act? Why? Explain.

Answer: It's not a betrayal. The queen want Ani to marry prince of Bayern for the sake of the both kingdoms. 

4. What lessons can you learn from the story?

Answer: We have to brave enough to fight for what we deserves, and good deed will be paid by good deed.

Reflect and evaluate

1. Have you ever found a similar character to Selia around you? Tell us the person’s characteristics. If you are asked to give the person an advice, what would the advice be

Answer: No, I haven't.

2. Have you ever been surprised with a reward for doing good deeds and a warning or even punishment for doing bad things? Describe your experience.

Answer: I once helped the old lady near my house, next day, she gave me a present to thank me.

 Baca Juga: 4 Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Hobiku atau My Hobby dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

3. After reading ‘The Goose Girl’ story, how do you understand fairy tales?

Answer: Fairy tales told the amazing story about good deed really wins at last.

Teman-teman, itulah pilihan jawaban untuk pertanyaan halaman 47 mengenai bacaan The Goose Girl.

Menurut teman-teman, bagaimana dongeng tersebut?

Dongeng ini ditulis dalam bentuk teks naratif atau narrative text, ya!

Oia, ciri teks naratif adalah bentuk tensenya yang merupakan past tense.

Biasanya, teks naratif ini menceritakan kisah dongeng dan pengalaman di masa lalu.

Strukturnya adalah orientasi, complication, dan resolution.

Orientasi adalah perkenalan tokoh, latar cerita, dan lain-lain.

Complication adalah masalah yang mulai muncul.

Sedangkan resolution adalah penyelesaian masalah.

Baca Juga: Announcement Text: Pengertian, Struktur Surat, dan Contohnya



Siapakah nama mantan penjaga Putri Ani yang membantunya melawan Selia?

Petunjuk: Cek halaman 2!

Tonton video ini juga, yuk!


Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang sains, dongeng fantasi, cerita misteri, dan dunia satwa? Teman-teman bisa berlangganan Majalah Bobo dan Mombi SD.

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