Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris yang Mengandung Kalimat If Clause

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 3 November 2022 | 10:00 WIB
Belajar if clause dari contoh cerpen bahasa Inggris. (freepik)

"I had finish my school assignment last week," Christine answered.

"So, do you have more free time this weekend?" Margaret asks and Christine nods.

"Hey, how about we go hiking in the nearby mountains, if the weather is good?" Christine suggests an idea.

"I did read the newspaper, the weather will be fine for ten days ahead. Let's go hike on Saturday morning!"

"Cool. If I can finish my project on Friday morning, I will tell you immediately!"

Example 2: The Wishes

Helga, Anna, Sinta, dan Ulin were having sleepover party in Helga's house. They were just finished a movie about a fairy that can grant good people wishes.

Helga asked, "What do you want if the fairy gives you three wishes?"

Anna answered, "If I had three wishes, I would ask for world peace."

"What about the other two?" Ulin asked.

"If I had two more wishes, I would ask for happiness and money for myself," Anna answered.

Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat If Clause Sebagai Reminder, Suggestion, General Truth, Imperative, dan A Dream