Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Expressing Surprise and Amazement

By Niken Bestari, Jumat, 4 November 2022 | 10:15 WIB
Apa saja contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris materi expressing surprise and amazement? (freepik)

I find it astonishing/extraordinary. (saya merasa sangat terkejut.)

I find it very surprising. (saya merasa sangat terkejut.)

Contoh Dialog Expression of Surprise and Amazement

Dad: Congratulations for your success on being model student, sweetheart!

Mom: Here is it, your new smartphone and a camera.

Nina: Oh my God, you guys! You're kidding!

Dad: These are yours from us.

Nina: You must be kidding me! This is amazing! Thank you!

Mom: But, you have to promise to use it wisely and don't forget to study!

Nina: Yes, I promise! My goodness! This is amazing surprise! Thank you so much!

Teman-teman, itulah contoh kalimat dan dialog expressions of surprise and amazement.

Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expression of Congratulations