Wrong. Let’s discuss the detailed information that we just handed over to a stranger, and for the sake of this post, an unknown criminal. Here is the reasons why oversharing on social media is harmful.
So, why is oversharing a problem? We touched on this above, but didn't go into much detail. With that said, here are a few reasons to make sure you're not oversharing:
First, it can be unhealthy. When we're so heavily involved in social media that we're oversharing, we're playing a game where we compare our lives to others.
This is known as social comparison. It can lead to depression, low self-esteem, and jealousy. Also, feeling like you have to share every detail to appear "interesting" only feeds into those feelings.
Second, it can lead to security problems. Sites like Facebook have often been called a stalker paradise.
If someone really does want to stalk or target you in some way, they can learn about you by looking at your profile. The more info you share, the more they know.
This can also put you at more of a risk for identity theft in some cases. For example, if a thief manages to get a hold of your financial info, they can easily look at your Facebook to find other information needed to forge your identity.
Eighty percent online crimes is started by oversharing on the social media, so you have to be careful with what you posted.
Third, it can hurt your reputation. If you say the wrong thing without thinking, it can have huge consequences.
On the internet, nothing is really private and nothing really goes away. Even if your profile is set to private, your whole network sees what you post. There's nothing stopping your contacts from reposting and spreading what you say, even if you deleted it.
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