33 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense: Kalimat Positif, Negatif, dan Tanya Beserta Artinya

By Fransiska Viola Gina, Kamis, 17 November 2022 | 11:30 WIB
Contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris present perfect tense. (freepik/stories)

9. I have not seen the Borobudur. (Saya belum melihat Borobudur.)

10. Sadly, he hasn't finished the race yet. (Sayangnya, dia belum menyelesaikan balapan.)

11. The have not paid their orders. (Mereka belum membayar pesanannya.)

Contoh Kalimat Tanya Present Perfect Tense

Rumus kalimat tanya present perfect tense:

Have/has + subject + past participle + the rest of the sentence

Contoh kalimat tanya present perfect tense, antara lain:

1. Have they played the violin? (Sudahkah mereka memainkan biola?)

2. Have you eaten lunch yet? (Apakah kamu sudah makan siang?)

3. Has the exam started? (Apakah ujian sudah dimulai?)

4. Have you finished your homework yet? (Apakah kamu sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu?)

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