Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Preset Tense
1. The room is cleaned by my mother twice a week.
(Ruangan itu dibersihkan ibuku seminggu dua kali.)
2. The food is eaten by my sister.
(Makanannya dimakan saudara perempuanku.)
3. I am fallen in the wet floor last night.
(Aku jatuh di lantai yang basah kemarin malam.)
4. Covid-19 is considered as the mostinfectious virus today.
(Covid-19 dianggap sebagai virus paling menular saat ini.)
5. The crown is used by the heir to the throne.
(Mahkotanya digunakan pewaris takhta.)
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Teks 'Meeting My Idol', Chapter 8: My Idol