resist = melawan
exile = mengasingkan
martyr = martir
Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise
Untuk menjawab soal di bawah ini, gunakan kosakata di atas, ya.
1. A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31 is being charged with assault, but the government officials have not explained the charges.
2. Bali is renown for its beauty. It is called the Goddess Island.
3. The guerilla army would avoid any confrontation with large units of enemy troops, but seek and eliminate small groups of soldiers to minimize losses.
4. In the past, the aristocratic class ruled the society. Their words were listened, followed and applied by people.
5. During the earthquake, the troops are busy helping people to move. They evacuated women, old people and children to the prepared shelter.
6. When people go to holy war, their intention is not to get wealth or worldly materials. They do it for the sake of God.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise, Chapter 10: B.J. Habibie