Kanchil was walking alone in the forest. he was very thirsty. He had walked a long way, looking for a brook where he could quench his thirt.
Long story short, Kanchil found a river. However, when he found a river and was about to drink water from it, a crocodile emerged from the surface of the river.
The crocodile said, "Hey, Kanchil, you can drink the water in this river. But after that, we will eat you."
The Kanchil was silent for a moment to think. On the other side of the river is a forest that is greener and rich in food than the forest behind Kanchil.
If he stays away from the river and runs into the forest, Kanchil will still be hungry and thirsty.
Then, Kanchil also had an idea, "I understand, I will become your prey. But first, let me drink this river water."
The crocodile replied, "Okay. You can drink this river water." Then, Kanchil drank the river water until his thirst was gone.
Then, Kanchil said, "O Crocodiles, I am ready to become your prey. But I want to count your number so you can share my body fairly with your group."
Crocodile agreed to Kancil's request. "Now, you have to line up so I can count you," said Kancil.
The Crocodiles lined up across the two sides of the river. After that, Mouse Deer walked over the Crocodiles while counting.
"One, two, three..." Kancil counted the number of Crocodiles until he managed to cross the river and arrived at the other side of the river. After arriving across the river, Kancil immediately ran away from the Crocodiles he tricked.
Sumber: Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah. Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X. 2017. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan