Cari Jawaban Reading Comprehension Task 1 dan 2, Chapter 14: Strong Wind

By Niken Bestari, Selasa, 29 November 2022 | 09:00 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Comprehension Task 1 dan Task 2 halaman 183-185, Chapter 14: Strong Wind, buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10.
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Comprehension Task 1 dan Task 2 halaman 183-185, Chapter 14: Strong Wind, buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10. (Freepik) - Berikut ini adalah jawaban dari soal Reading Comprehension Task 1 dan Task 2 halaman 183-185 buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kemendikbud 2017.

Soal Reading Comprehension ini teman-teman temukan pada Chapter 14: Strong Wind yang mengajari kita materi narrative textNarrative text adalah salah satu jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang berupa karangan atau cerita hasil imajinasi.

Teks ini memiliki tujuan untuk menghibur dan menyampaikan pesan moral atau moral values pada pembaca. Salah satu gaya bahasanya adalah narrative text ditulis dalam past tenses.

Narrative text memiliki struktur yakni orientasi (orientation), komplikasi (complication), resolusi (resolution), dan reorientasi (re-orientation). Agar membantu teman-teman memahami narrative text, berikut ini adalah pembahasan soal Reading Comprehension halaman 183-185 buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10.

Jawaban Soal Reading Comprehension Task 1

Task 1: Read the story and fill in the blanks with the following words: tremble, lying, jealous, bow, long, fine, invisible, rope, gentle, rags.

STRONG WINDOnce there was a great warrior named Strong Wind. He lived with his sister in a tent by the sea. Strong Wind was able to make himself invisible (1).

His sister could see him, but no one else could. He had said he would marry the first woman who could see him as he came at the end of the day. Many women came up to his tent to watch for him.

When his sister saw him coming, she would ask, “Do you see him?” Each girl would answer, “Oh, yes! I see him!” Then Strong Wind’s sister would ask, “What is he pulling his sled with?”

And then the girls would answer, “with a rope (2)” or “with a wooden pole.” Then Strong Wind’s sister would know that they were lying, because their guesses were wrong.

A chief lived in a village. His wife had died, and he had three daughters. One was much younger than the other two. She was gentle, kind and beautiful, but her sisters were jealous (3) of her and treated her badly.

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