- Pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 11, kita belajar mengenai menulis surat undangan atau invitation pada Chapter 3: Party Time. Sebagian surat undangan atau invitation termasuk surat resmi, apabila terkait dengan acara resmi.
Linguistic characteristic dari surat undangan adalah:
1. Simple, precise, and concise words. (Singkat, padat, dan menggunakan kata yang pantas.)
2. Detailed information. (Informasi detail)
3. The tone should be friendly and sincere. Words should be chosen carefully. (Nada undangan harus ramah dan sopan. Kata-kata harus dipilih dengan hati-hati.)
4. The style of writing should be formal. (Gaya penulisan harus formal.)
Selain undangan dengan surat, kita juga belajar secara lisan melalui ekspresi.
Tak lupa, kita juga harus memberikan respons pada orang yang mengundang berupa accepting invitation (menerima undangan) atau declining invitation (menolak undangan). Bagaimana ekspresi accepting dan declining invitation tersebut? Kita pelajari dalam dialog ini, ya!
Contoh Dialog Accepting Invitation
Contoh 1:Dede : Ahmad, tomorrow I will have a birthday party. I want to invite you to my party.
Ahmad: Thank you, Dede. I will definitely come. What time is the party held?
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 2, Chapter 1: Talk About Yourself
Dede : My birthday party will be held at 2 pm to 4 pm.
Ahmad: Is there a dress code for your party?
Dede : No. Wear your comfortable clothes. We're going to have fun tomorrow!
Ahmad: I will come on time.
Contoh 2:Selena: Hello Vini! I'd like to invite you to my sister's wedding next week.
Vini: Really? When exactly?
Selena: My sister is getting married Friday morning at 10. Then we'll have a party at our house at 12 noon.
Vini : What should I wear to come?
Selena: Wear a simple white dress, because I'm going to be wearing that color too.
Vini: Fine. I will come on Friday at 10 o'clock. I will bring your sister a wedding gift.
Contoh Dialog Declining Invitation
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Let's Practice, Chapter 2: Opinions and Thoughts
Contoh 1:Linda: Mark, I'd like to invite you to Anna's farewell party. She will be transferring schools next month.
Mark: Really? When is the party being held?
Linda: The party will be on Saturday at 6 pm. Everyone will gather at my house.
Mark: Saturday, huh? Unfortunately, I can't come. I'm going to visit my grandmother this Saturday. I'm leaving Saturday afternoon.
Linda: That's okay, I understand. Too bad you can't come along. Say hello to your grandma, okay?
Contoh 2:Aninda: Hi, Isna! My parents are going on vacation to Bogor this weekend. I want to have a sleepover at my house.
Isna: Sounds fun. Who will come?
Aninda: I invited Bella, Diana and Unin. Will you come too?
Isna: It must be very nice to stay at your house. Unfortunately, I can't go. My parents won't let me sleep over at a friend's house before we have exams.
Aninda: It's okay. I understand. We can stay at your house next time.
Isna: Sure. I'm looking forward to it!
Sumber: Bashir, Mahrukh. 2017. Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas XI. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Let's Practice, Chapter 1: Offer and Suggestion
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Apa saja linguistic characteristic dari invitation letter? |
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