Cari Jawaban Grammar Review Task 1-3, Chapter 4: Which One Is Your Best Getaway?

By Niken Bestari, Jumat, 9 Desember 2022 | 09:00 WIB
Berikut ini adalah jawaban soal Grammar Review Task 1-3 halaman 62-64, Chapter 4: Which One Is Your Best Getaway? Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10. (Freepik)

6. Fruits are orangutans’ favorite food.

7. Keeping orangutans as our pet is an illegal act.

8. In the rehabilitation site, ex-captive orangutans learn to live a natural life.

9. In a real jungle, we can see many incredible animals.

10. Imagine yourself to be in the jungle and meet these special animals in their original habitat.

11.The gigantic trees in the forest indicate that the forest is well preserved.

12.The slender minarets make the palace beautiful.

13.The remains were kept in the octagonal chamber.

14.Her actual remains lie below, at garden level.

Task 2:

Make noun phrases. The words on the left columns are adjectives and the words on the right column are nouns. Combine them to make noun phrases. See number 1 as an example.

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