- Berikut ini adalah jawaban soal Grammar Review halaman 24 buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017.
Soal Grammar Review ini termasuk pada Chapter 2: Why Don't You Visit Seattle?
Chapter 2 ini mengajari kita materi conditional sentence atau if clause.
Dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, teman-teman akan belajar kalimat if clause yang berguna untuk membentuk conditional sentence atau kalimat pengandaian.
Teman-teman sudah belajar tipe-tipe if clause, yaitu:
- If Clause Zero Condition- If Clause First Condition- If Clause Second Condition- If Clause Third Condition.
Kalimat if clause memiliki pattern / pola adalah sesuai dengan tujuan kalimatnya, yaitu:
1. Reminder / pengingat.
2. Suggestion / saran
3. General truth / kebenaran umum
4. An imperative / perintah
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 2, Chapter 5: Let's Visit Niagara Falls
5. To show a dream / pengandaian
Pada soal Grammar Review halaman 23, kita diminta untuk menulis contoh kalimat if clause yang berkaitan teks di halaman 17 Six Things to Do if You Visit Seattle.
Jawaban Soal Grammar Review
Task 1: Identify the "if" sentences. Read again the text "Why Don't You Visit Seattle?" andidentify the "if" sentence along with its pattern. Look at the example.
1. Sentence 1:
If you visit Seattle, feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbridge Island on a Washington State Ferry.
Pattern 1:
‘If clause’ + an imperative
2. Sentence 2:
If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you’ll be off to a foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable sights and sounds.
Pattern 2:
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Grammar Review Task 1-3, Chapter 4: Which One Is Your Best Getaway?
'If clause' + an imperative
3. Sentence 3:
If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific Science Center.
Pattern 3:
'If clause' + suggestion
4. Sentence 4:
If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific Science CenterPattern 4:
'If clause' + suggestion
5. Sentence 5:
I will book a luxury 5-stars hotel that offer amazing views of whale and storm watching if I had enough money to visit Seattle.
Pattern 5:
'If clause' + to show a dream
Sumber: Widiati, Utami; Zuliati Rohmah; dan Furaidah. 2017. Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
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Apa saja tipe-tipe if clause? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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