2. What kind of personality is difficult to handle?
Answer: The personality which is difficult to handle is selfish.
3. What kind of caption is it?
Answer: The kind of the caption is quote.
4. Make some quotes about nature
Answer: Natures are the greatest creature of God, look deep and you will understand why God create it.
5. Explain your quotes to your friends
Answer: It means that we should see nature as the beautiful creature from God, because we always need it.
6. Compare your quotes and the quote in the caption.
Answer: Quote 1: "The easiest way to see the universe is through the wilderness because in the forest it is beautiful and there are many things that are pure from nature."
Quote 2: "About how to be grateful to God for having been given a perfect day, complete with natural and limitless natural beauty."
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Let's Pratice Point A-C, Chapter 6: Cause and Effect