- Teman-teman, inilah pembahasan jawaban soal Grammar Review Task 3, halaman 71, pada buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017.
Soal Grammar Review Task 3 ini termasuk dalam materi Chapter 5: Who was Involved?
Di materi ini, kita belajar mengenai news item text.
Pengertian news item text adalah jenis tulisan yang memberikan informasi aktual (sesuai fakta) tentang kejadian yang penting untuk diberitakan.
Tujuan news item text adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar dengan metode 5w + 1h, yang terdiri dari what (apa), when (kapan), who (why), where (di mana), why (kenapa), dan how (bagaimana).
Selain mempelajari struktur teks, kita juga belajar grammar news item text.
Grammar news item text ini berhubungan dengan kaidah bahasa dalam news item text, yaitu penggunaan simple present tense dan simple past tense.
Sekarang, kita buku buku Bahasa Inggris halaman 71, yuk!
Kita akan membahas jawaban soal bersama-sama untuk menjadi bahan diskusi dengan guru dan teman-teman yang lain.
Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Exercise
1. The distribution of NKRI maps _________ (begin) at Caturwarga elementary school last Friday.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Exercise, Chapter 5: Who was Involved?
Answer: The distribution of NKRI maps began at Caturwarga elementary school last Friday.
2. The policy on higher minimum wages _________ (bring) greater prosperity to local workers.
Answer: The policy on higher minimum wages brings greater prosperity to local workers.
3. Limited infrastructure and facilities such as clean water resources, schools, and healthcare services _________(worsen) the life quality of the local residents.
Answer: Limited infrastructure and facilities such as clean water resources, schools, and healthcare services worsen the life quality of the local residents.
4. My grandfather _________ (fly) to Denpasar the other day for a senior citizen award.
Answer: My grandfather flew to Denpasar the other day for a senior citizen award.
5. One victim _________ (tell) the online news portal about the incident on Saturday night.
Answer: One victim told the online news portal about the incident on Saturday night.
6. It’s so sad that many spectators _________ (throw) trash in the city stadium during the final football match last week.
Answer: It’s so sad that many spectators threw trash in the city stadium during the final football match last week.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 5, Chapter 5: Who was Involved?
7. The local people _________ (build) the mosque in the 16th century, and the mosque now becomes one of the official cultural heritage sites.
Answer: The local people built the mosque in the 16th century, and the mosque now becomes one of the official cultural heritage sites.
8. The online enrollment system _________ (be) in accordance with the central government’s instruction.
Answer: The online enrollment system is in accordance with the central government’s instruction.
9. Local poets and musicians _________ (get) wider recognition as the provincial administration _________ (grant) awards to traditional artists.
Answer: Local poets and musicians got wider recognition as the provincial administration granted awards to traditional artists.
10. The anniversary events _________ (draw) large number of peopleto come and celebrate.
Answer: The anniversary events drew large number of peopleto come and celebrate.
Teman-teman, itulah pembahasan jawaban Grammar Review Task 3.
Semoga membantu, ya!
Sumber: Widiati, Utami, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah. 2017. Bahasa Inggris XII. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Text Structure Task 2, Chapter 4: Do You Know How to Apply for a Job?
Kuis! |
Apa saja unsur 5w + 1h? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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