Cari Jawaban Observing and Asking Question, Chapter 6: This Is My World

By Niken Bestari, Rabu, 11 Januari 2023 | 08:00 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Observing and asking Question Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 kurikulum 2013 halaman 68, Chapter 6: This is My World. (Freepik)

3. The tax office is next to the bank, across from the post office.

4. The school is next to the post office, across from the police station.

5. The hospital is across from the police station and across from the post office.

6. The police station is across from the school and across from the hospital.


1. Bank ada di sebelah kiri, di sebelah kantor pos, di seberang kantor pajak.

2. Kantor pos berada di sebelah bank, di seberang kantor pajak.

3. Kantor pajak berada di sebelah bank, di seberang kantor pos.

4. Sekolah itu bersebelahan dengan kantor pos, di seberang kantor polisi.

5. Rumah sakit berada di seberang kantor polisi dan di seberang kantor pos.

6. Kantor polisi berada di seberang sekolah dan di seberang rumah sakit.

Nah, itulah jawaban dari halaman 68.