Kalimat Asking and Giving Direction dari SMP Merdeka's Map, Chapter 5: This is My School

By Fransiska Viola Gina, Sabtu, 21 Januari 2023 | 07:00 WIB
Cari jawaban asking dan giving direction dari SMP Merdeka's Map. (freepik/stories)

B: Turn right. Go straight forward. The boys' toilet is at the end of the corridor.

(Belok kanan. Jalan lurus ke depan. Toilet laki-laki itu ada di ujung koridor.)

4. The Musalla

A: Can you tell me where the Musalla room is?

(Bisakah kamu memberitahuku di mana ruang Mushola?)

B: Turn right. Go straight forward. Then turn left. The musalla is beside the boy's toilet.

(Belok kanan. Jalan lurus ke depan. Lalu belok kiri. Mushola ada di samping toilet laki-laki.)

5. The Science Laboratory

A: What's the best way to get to the science laboratory?

(Apa cara terbaik untuk sampai ke laboratorium sains?)

B: Turn right. The science laboratory is on your right. 

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