Perbedaan Analytical Exposition Text dan Hortatory Exposition Text dan Contohnya Masing-Masing

By Niken Bestari, Rabu, 25 Januari 2023 | 07:00 WIB
Apa perbedaan analytical exposition text dan hortatory exposition text? Kita pelajari teks eksposisi, yuk! (Freepik)

It can seem hard to escape plastic in our modern lives. Plastic bags are everywhere and trolleys full of them leave the grocery store every minute.

If you are still using single-use plastic bags, it is high time to consider taking a more environmentally friendly route. Here are some compelling reasons why you should switch to reusable shopping bags.

First, plastic bags may seem light and inoffensive but they have a surprisingly large environmental footprint. Furthermore, plastic bags use fossil fuels as they are shipped around the country or the world.

Each plastic bag is used for a mere 12 minutes on average. After this time, the plastic bag becomes waste. Communities and governments spend millions of dollars to manage the ballooning amount of plastic waste. 

Second, plastik pollution is a serious global problem. Because plastic can take a minimum of 500 years to biodegrade, millions of tons of plastic waste are filling up our landfills and flooding into our oceans.

In addition, large pieces of plastic break down into smaller pieces of plastic over time. These tiny microplastics move through the ecosystem and the food chain, absorbing toxins that are released when they are later ingested. 

Third, many places in the world, including the United States, now impose a plastic bag levy on customers. 

On the other hand, reusable bags are tougher and more durable. They can carry more weight than regular plastic bags and are less like to tear even when packed with sharp objects.

Instead of having a continuous flow of plastic bags that you have to find uses for, switch to reusable bags. Your plastic bag collection will dwindle and you will enjoy more space for important things.

Plastic bags at check-outs are designed for single use. They are only supposed to last as long as the trip home from the store, so they are typically flimsy and thin.

By using a reusable shopping bag, you can decrease the resources used on plastic bag production and disposal and protect the environment from plastic pollution. At the same time, you can save money, look stylish, and enjoy a better quality of life. 

Baca Juga: Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text Tentang Digital Safety, Materi Unit 5 Kurikulum Merdeka



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