- Materi active voice dan passive voice akan kita pelajari dalam Bahasa Inggris tingkat pertama dan menengah.
Pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, kita juga mempelajari kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif.
Nah, active voice dan passive voice ini juga mempelajari hal serupa, hanya saja dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Active voice adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang subjek kalimatnya merupakan pelaku dari kata kerja dalam kalimat.
Pada active voice, subjek adalah pelaku asli atau the doer of the action.
Sedangkan passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan dari kata kerjanya, sehingga subjek tersebut bukan yang melakukan suatu aksi.
Yuk, kita pelajari bentuk active voice dan passive voice dalam bentuk past continuous tense!
Berikut adalah rumus active voice dan passive voice dalam past continuous tense:
- Active voice: Subject + was/were + verb-ing + object
- Passive voice: Object + was/were + being + verb 3 + subject
Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Simple Past Tense
a. Active Voice
- The kittens were meowing to their mothers.
- My family were going to vacation.
- Reno was walking to school.
- Dania was listening to the podcast.
- I was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
- They were doing their homework together.
- We were waiting for the bus.
- The train was running late.
- My father was trying to fix the sink.
- My brothers were buying chocolates.
Baca Juga: 20 Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Present Continuous Tense
b. Passive Voice
- The chickens were being fed by the farmer.
- The TV was being fixed by the electrician.
- The rubbish were being dumped to the bin.
- The flowers were being watered by a gardener.
- My mother was being given a birthday gift by my father.
- My sister was being surprised by our party.
- Nila was being accepted to a new school.
- Me and my sister were being picked up by our mom.
- The puddings were being eaten by the guest.
Baca Juga: 20 Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Simple Present Tense
Kuis! |
Apa rumus past continuous tense? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
Lihat juga video ini, yuk!
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