20 Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice Future Continuous Tense

By Niken Bestari, Selasa, 31 Januari 2023 | 08:00 WIB
Apa contoh kalimat active voice dan passive voice dalam grammar future continuous tense? Kita bahas bersama-sama, yuk! (Freepik)

Bobo.id - Materi active voice dan passive voice akan kita pelajari dalam bahasa Inggris tingkat pertama dan menengah.

Pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, kita juga mempelajari kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif.

Nah, active voice dan passive voice ini juga mempelajari hal serupa, hanya saja dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Active voice adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang subjek kalimatnya merupakan pelaku dari kata kerja dalam kalimat.

Pada active voice, subjek adalah pelaku asli atau the doer of the action.

Sedangkan passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan dari kata kerjanya, sehingga subjek tersebut bukan yang melakukan suatu aksi.

Yuk, kita pelajari bentuk active voice dan passive voice dalam bentuk future continuous tense!

Berikut adalah rumus active voice dan passive voice dalam future continuous tense:

- Active voice: Subject + shall/will+ be + verb-ing + object

- Passive voice: Object + shall/will + be + being + verb 3 + by subject

Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice Future Continuous Tense

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Simple Future Tense

a. Active Voice

- The plane will be flying at 8.00 AM tomorrow.

- My family will be going to Jakarta next week.

- Reno will be walking to school in 10 minutes.

- She will be writing in the next day.

- He will be giving his sister a gift for her birthday in a week.

- Lisa will be living in Jakarta in the next month.

- We will be coming to the party at 5 PM.

- My father will be making lunch when we got home.

- My brother will be presenting a school task when I text him.

- You will be sleeping in just a few hours.

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Past Continuous Tense

b. Passive Voice

- I wish the dinner will be being cooked when we got home.

- Davis will be being interviewed by the local TV station during the concert.

- The tree will be being cut down tomorrow at 7 am.

- The flowers will be arranged by a florist.

- The patients will be being sent to Mercy Hospital while County Hospital does repairs.

- Tomorrow’s plan is that while most of the wedding guests take cars to the castle, Nikki will be being flown by helicopter.

- The dog will be being adopted tomorrow at 8 am.

- The cinema will be being renovated when she came here.

- I hope the dinner will be being served when she arrived.

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Simple Past Tense



Apa rumus passive voice future continuous tense?

Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1!

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