- Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, kita sering mengucapkan rasa setuju dan tidak setuju pada suatu hal.
Pada bahasa Inggris, kita pun juga belajar hal tersebut yang termasuk dalam materi Expressing Agreement and Disagreement.
Agreement dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti "setuju" atau "persetujuan", sedangkan disagreement berarti "tidak setuju" atau "ketidaksetujuan".
Nah, materi Expressing Agreement dan Disagreement ini memiliki banyak contoh expression.
Berbagai macam expression itu pun adalah yang bersifat formal dan lebih sopan dan sifat nonformal yang hanya bisa digunakan antarteman sebaya.
Berikut ini adalah contoh expression of agreement and disagreement yang bisa teman-teman pelajari!
Contoh Expression of Agreement
a. Formal
- I support that idea/desicion. (Saya mendukung ide/keputusan itu)
- I agree with your point of view. (Saya setuju dengan sudut pandang Anda.)
- I approve your statement. (Saya menerima pernyataan Anda.)
Baca Juga: Contoh Ungkapan dan Dialog Agreement dan Disagreement Dalam Bahasa Inggris
- We are on the same boat to support... (Kita ada di pihak yang sama untuk mendukung...)
- We are on your side. (Kami ada di pihakmu.)
- Indeed... (Memang (begitu)...)
b. Nonformal
- Yes. (Ya)
- Right. (Benar)
- Great. (Bagus)
- I agree. (Aku setuju)
- Fine with me. (Tidak masalah)
- It (certainly) is. (Memang begitu)
- Tell me about it! (Bahasa gaul: Aku sangat setuju!)
Baca Juga: 5 Contoh Dialog Expressing Opinion and Response dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Expression of Disagreement
a. Formal
- I respect your opinions, but I have different opinions. (Saya menghormati opini Anda, tapi saya punya opini lain.)
- I would not say that... (Saya tidak mengatakan bahwa...)
- I could not agree with your statements, because... (Saya tidak bisa setuju dengan pernyataan Anda, karena...)
- I have different point of views about this. (Saya memiliki sudut pandang berbeda dari ini.)
- I am sorry, but I am oppose your arguments. (Maaf, tapi saya menentang argumen Anda.)
b. Nonformal
- Absolutely not. (Tidak sama sekali.)
- No. (Tidak)
- You must be joking / You better be joking. (Kamu pasti bercanda.)
Baca Juga: 6 Contoh Dialog Materi Asking for Clarification Bahasa Inggris
- Speak for yourself. (Bicaralah pada dirimu sendiri.)
- I disagree. (Aku tidak setuju.)
Contoh Dialog
(Tina, Abdul, Riko, and Sherly are doing a school project and they have discussion about something.)
Tina: Abdul, I think you should make the 'methodology' part. Are you agree?
Abdul: Yes, I agree.
Sherly: But, I want to make the 'methodology'. Abdul, how about you make 'introduction' part instead?
Abdul: Absolutely not. I can't do the presentation opening, so I would not be the first speaker of our presentation.
Riko: How about I do the presentation opening and then pass it to you?
Tina: It would be weird, wouldn't it?
Sherly: It would be weird. Indeed.
Baca Juga: 6 Dialog Materi Asking and Giving Something dalam Bahasa Inggris
Riko: I would not say that. Everybody was doing it last week!
Abdul: I am not going to do 'introduction' part. I disagree your suggestion. Sorry, though.
Sherly: No, it is okay. How about I do the 'conclusion' part?
Tina, Riko, Abdul: Fine with me.
Tina: Riko, you do the presentation opening and 'introduction', Abdul does the 'methodology', I do the 'results', and Sherly does 'conclusion'. Everyone agree?
Abdul, Riko, Tina: Yes, we agree.
Sherly: We will use Tina's laptop to do presentation, won't we?
Tina: Absolutely not. My laptop is nearly broken.
Abdul: You could use Riko's. Do you mind, Riko? Your laptop is the newest brand.
Riko: It it. I don't mind. We could use mine.
Teman-teman, itulah contoh expression agreement and disagreement dalam contoh dialog.
Baca Juga: 5 Contoh Dialog Materi Expressing Like and Dislike Bahasa Inggris
Kuis! |
Apa arti kalimat agreement "Tell me about it!" |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 2! |
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