Menulis Descriptive Paragraph About Study Habits, Chapter 4: My School Activites English for Nusantara

By Niken Bestari, Selasa, 7 Februari 2023 | 09:30 WIB
Berikut iadalah contoh descriptive paragraph about study habits, soal pada Chapter 4: My School Activites, Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 kurikulum Merdeka. (Freepik)

- Rarely = sangat jarang

- Never = tidak pernah

Untuk membantu pemahaman teman-teman, kita simak contoh descriptive paragraph di bawah ini, yuk!

Contoh Descriptive Paragraph

Contoh 1

Hello! My name is Andin. I am a 7th grade junior high school student. I have some study habits.

Every day, I usually wake up at 5 am to pray and read the material that I will study at school that day. Then I take a shower, have breakfast and go to school.

After school, I always take a shower and have lunch. After lunch, I normally read my class notes and made a mind map which I posted near my study table. From that note, I understand the lesson better.

After dinner, I always do my homework and prepare books for tomorrow's lesson. I like to make a class schedule of what I have to learn.

I never use or play with my phone when I study, because I can focus on my learning. After study, sometimes I take a rest a while and play a with mobile game for 30 minutes.


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