Materi Expressing Surprise and Amazement, Lengkap dengan Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 27 Februari 2023 | 12:00 WIB
Apa saja materi expressing surprise and amazement? Kita bahas bersama-sama materi bahasa Inggris berikut di artikel ini, yuk! (Freepik)

- You're joking right? (Kau bercanda kan?)

- I can't believe it. (Aku tidak bisa mempercayainya.)

Contoh Dialog

Isna: Look, I got 98 in Chemistry!

Wirda: Are you serious? Congratulations, good job!

Isna: I find it very surprising, because usually I got under 75 in every Chemistry exam.

Wirda: That's amazing that you can get 98!

Isna: I studied so hard last week. I thought I can get at least 85.

Wirda: I must say that your score surprises me. Congrats!

Nah, itulah contoh dialog Expressing Surprise and Amazement yang bisa teman-teman contoh dan pelajari lebih lanjut.

Semoga membantu!

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