Cari Jawaban Progress Check 2 Text 2, Chapter 5: This is My School, English for Nusantara

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 6 Maret 2023 | 08:30 WIB
Berikut jawaban dari Progress Check 2 Text 2 halaman 246-247, Chapter 5: This is My School, English for Nusantara, pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas VII.
Berikut jawaban dari Progress Check 2 Text 2 halaman 246-247, Chapter 5: This is My School, English for Nusantara, pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas VII. (Freepik) - Berikut jawaban dari soal bahasa Inggris di halaman 246-247 pada buku English for Nusantara kelas VII kurikulum Merdeka.

Halaman 244-246 ini termasuk Progress Check 2 Text 2 setelah Chapter 5: This is My School.

Yuk, kita bahas jawaban dari soal-soal berikut ini!

Jawaban Progress Check 2 Text 2

Text 2

Monita is going to make her own class schedule.

She tries to remember the class subjects, the day, and the time she does it.

However, she remembers it in the wrong order.

Help Monita arrange the schedule in the correct order.

Monita’s Class Schedule

1. On Wednesday, she has English to learn.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Worksheet 5.20 dan 5.21 Section 5, Chapter 5: This Is My School, English for Nusantara