Expressions of Predicting, Speculating, and Judging, beserta Contoh Kalimat

By Niken Bestari, Selasa, 7 Maret 2023 | 13:00 WIB
Aoa itu expressions of predicting, speculating, and judging? Kita pelajari dengan mengamati contoh kalimatnya di sini, ya! (Freepik)

- I'm just guessing, but I think that the company may be considering a merger or acquisition, based on the recent increase in their stock price.

- It's possible that the concert will be postponed due to the lead singer's recent illness, although nothing has been confirmed yet.

- It's not impossible that the team may lose the game, considering their recent performance and the strong performance of their opponents.

c. Kalimat expressions of judging

- In my opinion, the new employee is very diligent and has been doing an excellent job so far.

- From my point of view, the movie was well-directed and had a strong storyline, but the acting was not very convincing.

- I think that the new policy implemented by the company will have a positive impact on employee morale and productivity.

- In my view, the new restaurant is overpriced and doesn't offer enough value for the money.

- From what I've seen, the artwork displayed in the gallery is very impressive and shows a lot of creativity and skill.

- Personally, I don't agree with the political views expressed by the candidate and I wouldn't vote for them.

Teman-teman, itulah contoh expressions of predicting, speculating, and judging yang bisa dipelajari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking bahasa Inggris.

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