- Salah satu contoh ekspresi yang kita pelajari dalam materi speaking bahasa Inggris adalah expressions of blaming and accusing.
Blaming adalah bentuk gerund dari blame yang berarti menyalahkan.
Sedangkan accusing adalah bentuk gerund dari accuse yang berarti menuduh.
Sehingga expressions of blaming and accusing adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan untuk menyalahkan dan menuduh orang lain.
Untuk membantu teman-teman memahami materi ini, kita simak contoh kalimat expressions of blaming and accusing berikut ini, yuk!
Contoh Expressions of Blaming and Accusing
- It's all your fault!
- You caused this mess!
- I can't believe you did this.
- This wouldn't have happened if you had done your job.
- You are the reason we are in this situation.
Baca Juga: Expressions of Predicting, Speculating, and Judging, beserta Contoh Kalimat
- You are the one to blame for all of this.
- You never take responsibility for your actions.
- It's because of you that we are in trouble.
- You should be ashamed of yourself for what you've done.
- You didn't think about the consequences of your actions.
- You're always making excuses and blaming others.
- Your incompetence is the reason for this failure.
- This mistake is entirely on you.
- You let everyone down with your negligence.
- You have no one to blame but yourself.
Contoh Dialog Expressions of Blaming and Accusing
Baca Juga: Materi Expressions of Giving and Asking Plans Beserta Contoh Kalimat
Lisa: "You broke my toy! How could you be so careless?"
Sienna: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it. It was an accident."
Lisa: "You always break my things. You don't care about my toys!"
Sienna: "That's not true! I care about your things and I feel bad that I broke it."
Lisa: "You're just saying that. You're always causing problems."
Sienna: "I'm not always causing problems. Accidents happen and I said I'm sorry."
Lisa: "Sorry isn't enough. You need to be more careful with my things."
Sienna: "I understand that and I will try to be more careful. But you also need to understand that accidents happen and it's not always someone's fault."
Lisa: "I get it. I think I lost control for blaming and yelling at you. Sorry."
Sienna: "I am sorry too for being careless."
Teman-teman, itulah contoh kalimat dan dialog expressions of blaming and accusing.
Baca Juga: Expressions of Persuading, Encouraging, and Hoping, Lengkap dengan Contoh Dialognya
Kuis! |
Apa itu blaming? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
Lihat juga video ini, yuk!
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