- Berikut jawaban Practice Activity 7 dan Activity 8, Unit 1: Legend halaman 13.
Halaman 13 ini termasuk pada buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XI kurikulum Merdeka, Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut.
Pada Unit 1 ini kita belajar mengenai legend atau legenda. Secara umum, legenda adalah cerita atau narasi tradisional yang diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi.
Legenda seringkali mengandung unsur-unsur yang fantastis atau magis, dan seringkali digunakan untuk menjelaskan asal-usul atau makna dari tempat atau peristiwa tertentu.
Ada beberapa unsur-unsur yang umumnya terdapat dalam legenda, di antaranya:
- Fakta atau kejadian sejarah yang menjadi dasar cerita legenda.
- Tokoh-tokoh utama yang biasanya memiliki kekuatan atau sifat-sifat luar biasa yang mengagumkan.
- Peristiwa atau konflik yang menghadirkan tantangan atau kesulitan bagi tokoh utama.
- Setting atau latar tempat dan waktu yang unik atau menarik.
- Unsur-unsur fantastis atau magis, seperti makhluk mitologi atau kekuatan supranatural.
- Pesan moral atau filosofis yang terkandung dalam cerita legenda.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Progress Check 2 Text 3, Chapter 5: This Is My School, English for Nusantara
- Bentuk pengisahan yang bersifat naratif, dengan alur cerita yang menarik dan mengalir secara lancar.
Sekarang coba buka halaman 9-12 untuk membaca legenda mengenai "The Legend of Holy Stone" dan mengerjakan soal Activity 7 dan Activity 8.
Jawaban Soal Activity 7
Read ‘The Legend of The Holy Stone’ again. Then, put these events in order.
(3) Years passed and the sago trees were becoming scarcer that made God Iriwonawani furious.
(6) Being curious, they put anything on the rock and let it burn until one day they accidentally caused some forest fires.
(2) Daily, Kamboi Rama consumed sago which was taken from God Aroempu plantation people.
(7) In short, God Iriwonawani helped them extinguish the fire and since that day, people kept on worshiping the stone and called it as “the holy stone”
(4) Kamboi people left Kamboi Rama mountain and left a husband and wife who insisted to stay there.
(5) When Irimiami and Isoray were about to rest, they found a hot flat rock.
(1) In the old days, there were Kamboi people who lived side by side with God Iriwonawani.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Progress Check 2 Text 2, Chapter 5: This is My School, English for Nusantara
Jawaban Soal Activity 8
Let’s have further discussion on one of the problems raised in the legend you have read.
State your opinion and have a discussion with your partner.
1. Being curious of the holy stone, Irimiami and Isoray kept on testing the stone until they set the forest on fire several times. What do you think about their actions?
Irimiami and Isoray were so curious about the holy stone, so they tried everything to burn onto the stone.
Curiosity can be negatively impact others.
2. The forest had been burned due to Irimiami’s and Isoray’s curiosity, and that surely caused damage to the ecosystem. What actions can you take to repair that damage?
The forest fires was really dangerous to the ecosystem because it can damage the plants, animal, and living environment. The repair of forest fires is conservations and re-plantation.
Teman-teman, itulah contoh jawaban bagi soal Activity 7 dan 8 untuk bisa didiskusikan bersama guru dan teman-teman yang lain.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Worksheet 5.20 dan 5.21 Section 5, Chapter 5: This Is My School, English for Nusantara
Kuis! |
Apa itu legenda? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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