Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Who wrote the announcement?Answer: McMaster Mini Med School.
2. Who is the announcement for?Answer: Student in 2015
3. What is the announcement about?Answer: Registration for new students.
4. How long does the term last?Answer: Seven week.
5. How does the registration occur? What does that mean?Answer: Registration will occur on a first-come basis. After all the studentspots are full, all others will be placed on a waiting list.
6. What will the school do to the other applicants when all the student spots are full?Answer: They will be contacted when spots become available.
7. What do the participants receive?Answer:
- A reserved spot in the McMaster Mini-Med School Class 2015- An ‘official’ Mini-Med School tote bag- An ‘official’ Mini-Med School Clipboard and Pen- An ‘official’ Mini-Med School Stadium blanket- An ‘official’ Mini-Med School travel book light- A McMaster Mini-Med School Certificate of Attendance that will be presentedon the last day of classes
Nah, itulah jawaban soal buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013 halaman 85-87.
Sumber: Widiati, Utami; Zuliati Rohmah; dan Furaidah. 2017. Bahasa Inggris Kelas X. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Baca Juga: Announcement Text: Pengertian, Struktur Surat, dan Contohnya
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Apa fungsi giving announcement text? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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