Materi Expressions of Criticizing and Deterring beserta Contoh Dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 17 April 2023 | 09:30 WIB
Kita belajar materi expressions of criticizing and deterring.
Kita belajar materi expressions of criticizing and deterring. (Freepik) - Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, seringkali kita harus menyampaikan dan menerima kritikan yang membangun.

Contohnya adalah pada saat kegiatan diskusi di sekolah, mendiskusikan buku dan film favorit, dan banyak lagi.

Kritikan sering diikuti dengan pernyataan seseorang untuk kita agar tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Misal, ibu kita mengkritik bahwa kamar kita berantakan dan menasihati agar tidak menunda untuk membersihkan kamar.

Nah, pernyataan semacam itu juga dipelajari dalam materi speaking Bahasa Inggris berupa expression of criticizing and deterring.

Materi expressions of criticizing and deterring ini banyak muncul pada ujian dan tes kecakapan Bahasa Inggris, lo!

Yuk, kita cermati contohnya dalam dialog berikut ini!

Contoh Kalimat Criticizing and Deterring dalam Dialog

Dialog 1

A: Hey, have you heard about that new restaurant down the street? I heard it's really good.

B: Actually, I heard the opposite. A few of my friends went there and said the food was terrible.

A: Really? That's disappointing. I was looking forward to trying it out.

B: Yeah, I wouldn't waste my money if I were you. I mean, it's up to you, but personally, I think there are better options around here.

Baca Juga: Expressions of Discussing Possibilities, Mendiskusikan Kemungkinan dalam Bahasa Inggris

A: Hmm, thanks for the heads up. I appreciate your honesty.

B: No problem. I just don't want you to have a bad experience, you know? I think it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to trying out new places.

Kalimat criticizing: - A few of my friends went there and said the food was terrible.

Kalimat deterring:- I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.- I think it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to trying out new places.

Dialog 2

A: Have you read that new book that everyone's been talking about?

B: Yeah, I actually just finished it. To be honest, I wasn't too impressed.

A: Really? I heard it was supposed to be really good.

B: I thought it was kind of boring. The plot wasn't very original and the characters were pretty one-dimensional.

A: Oh, that's disappointing. I was thinking of picking it up at the bookstore this weekend.

B: There are so many other great books out there that are much more engaging.

A: I see what you mean. Thanks for the honest feedback. I think I'll look for something else to read instead.

Baca Juga: Materi Expression of Admitting and Denying of Doing Something dengan Contoh Kalimat

Kalimat criticizing

To be honest, I wasn't too impressed.- I thought it was kind of boring. The plot wasn't very original and the characters were pretty one-dimensional.

Kalimat deterring: - There are so many other great books out there that are much more engaging.

Dialog 3

A: Hey, do you like my new shirt? I just bought it yesterday.

B: Hmm, to be honest, I don't really like it. I think the color is a bit too bright and the design is a little too flashy.

A: Oh, really? I thought it looked pretty cool.

B: Everyone has different tastes, but personally, I think it's better to stick with something more classic and timeless. 

A: I see what you mean. Maybe I should have gone for something more neutral.

B: Yeah, I think that would have been a safer choice. 

Kalimat criticizing:- I don't really like it. I think the color is a bit too bright and the design is a little too flashy.

Kalimat deterring:- I think it's better to stick with something more classic and timeless

Baca Juga: Expressions of Showing Care and Sympathy, Lengkap dengan Contoh Kalimatnya



Apa contoh kalimat deterring pada dialog 1?

Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1!

Lihat juga video ini, yuk!


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