3 Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman Menggunakan Easy Tense

By Grace Eirin, Senin, 8 Mei 2023 | 17:30 WIB
Contoh descriptive text tentang teman.
Contoh descriptive text tentang teman. (Victoria_Watercolor)

Bobo.id - Apa saja contoh descriptive text tentang teman? Yuk, cari jawabannya di bawah ini!

Descriptive text (teks deskripsi) merupakan salah satu materi yang dipelajari dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. 

Apa yang dimaksud dengan descriptive textDescriptive text adalah teks yang menjelaskan, menggambarkan, dan mendeskripsikan tentang suatu hal. 

Biasanya, descriptive text digambarkan dengan detail, menggunakan bahasa yang ekspresif dan easy tense (tense sehari-hari). 

Dalam descriptive text, pengarang akan menjelaskan sesuatu dengan menggunakan pancaindra sesuai pengamatannya. 

Tujuan pembuatan descriptive text yaitu pengarang ingin pembaca mengenal sesuatu atau peristiwa yang diceritakan oleh pengarang. 

Ketika mendeskripsikan tentang teman, berarti kita akan menjelaskan bagaimana penampilan fisik, karakteristik, sifat, bahkan kesan kita terhadap teman tersebut. 

Nah, berikut ini Bobo akan membagikan kepadamu beberapa contoh descriptive text tentang teman. Yuk, simak!

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Teman

1. Descriptive Text A

I have friend, her name is Sarah. Sarah is an extraordinary friend whom I am fortunate to have in my life. She has a radiant smile that lights up the room and a contagious laughter that brings joy to everyone around her.

Her wavy, golden-brown hair falls gracefully on her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. Sarah has a warm and comforting presence that instantly puts people at ease.

Sarah always cares about everyone. She is always there to lend a listening ear and offer support whenever needed. Her empathy and genuine concern for others make her a trusted confidante.

Baca Juga: 6 Contoh Spoof Text Bahasa Inggris beserta Struktur dan Artinya

In addition to her kind-heartedness, Sarah possesses a remarkable sense of humor. She has an uncanny ability to find joy and humor in even the most mundane situations, and her laughter is infectious.

Sarah is also an incredibly talented musician. She has a beautiful voice that captivates anyone who listens to her sing. Whether she's strumming her guitar or sitting at the piano, her melodies have a way of touching the soul.

I like to be her bestfriend, because she gave me lots of love that makes me purely happy. 

2. Descriptive Text B

Let me introduce my friend, named Alex. Alex is one of my friend who brings sunshine to my life. With a beaming smile and twinkling blue eyes, his presence radiates warmth and positivity.

Alex has a vibrant personality that shines through in every interaction, making him a true delight to be around.

When it comes to fashion, Alex has an impeccable sense of style. They effortlessly combine trendy pieces with unique accessories, creating outfits that are both fashionable and expressive.

Whether it's a colorful dress paired with statement earrings or a perfectly tailored suit, Alex's fashion choices always make a statement and reflect his bold and confident personality.

Furthermore, Alex is the kind of friend who is always there, no matter the time or situation. Alex listens attentively, offering wise advice and unwavering support.

Their empathy and understanding create a safe space where I can openly share my thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

In addition to their amazing personality, Alex has an adventurous spirit. He is always up for trying new things and exploring different places.

Whether it's embarking on a spontaneous road trip or seeking out hidden gems in the city, Alex's zest for life and curiosity make every adventure unforgettable.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Listening Activity 4 dan 5, Unit 4: Analytic Exposition Text

3. Descriptive Text C

People always have a truly friend beside, at least one. I have Sekar, an incredible friend who brings rainbow into my life.

She is cheerful and has a bright smile, she has a way of making everyone around her feel instantly at ease. Her warm brown eyes are filled with kindness and reflect her compassionate nature.

Sekar has a natural beauty that shines from within. Her long, flowing chestnut hair cascades down her back, adding to her graceful presence.

She has a radiant smile that lights up a room and a genuine warmth that makes people feel valued and appreciated.

Sekar is an outgoing person with kind-hearted, that makes her a natural social butterfly. She makes friends with students from all walks, effortlessly. 

She can creating a sense of camaraderie within our school community. Whether it's organizing study groups, planning fun outings, or initiating lively discussions.

Sekar's genuine kindness and empathy make her a trusted confidante, and she has a remarkable ability to make people feel heard and understood.

Her unwavering support is a source of strength for her friends, helping them navigate through the ups and downs of school life.

Sekar is also an exceptional student. She approaches her studies with dedication and a thirst for knowledge.

Her enthusiasm for learning is inspiring, and she is always eager to participate in class discussions and contribute insightful ideas.

That is a glimpse into the remarkable person and school friend that Sekar is.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Bagian Reading Activity 7 dan 8, Unit 4: Analytical Exposition Text

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Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang pengetahuan seru lainnya, dongeng fantasi, cerita bergambar, cerita misteri, dan cerita lainnya? Teman-teman bisa berlangganan Majalah Bobo. 

Untuk berlangganan, teman-teman bisa mengunjungi Gridstore.id. 

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