15 Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech dalam Simple Present Tense, Materi Bahasa Inggris

By Fransiska Viola Gina, Jumat, 25 Oktober 2024 | 09:30 WIB
Contoh kalimat direct speech dalam simple present tense. (Freepik)

8. She exclaimed, "It's a beautiful day!

Terjemahan: Dia berseru, "Hari ini indah sekali!"

9. They said, "We are having a party next week."

Terjemahan: Mereka berkata, "Kami akan mengadakan pesta minggu depan."

10. "Sorry, I can't find those cats," Indah said.

Terjemahan: "Maaf, aku tidak bisa menemukan kucing-kucing itu," kata Indah.

11. "I have been waiting for you for hours," she complained.

Terjemahan: "Aku sudah menunggu berjam-jam," keluhnya.

12. "Let's go to the movies tonight," he suggested.

Terjemahan: "Ayo kita pergi ke bioskop malam ini," usulnya.

13. She shouted, "Look out!"

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Direct and Indirect Speech dalam Simple Present Tense