8. My brother said that he couldn't find his socks.
Terjemahan: Kakakku berkata bahwa dia tidak dapat menemukan kaus kakinya.
9. Rian told me that they watched movie together.
Terjemahan: Rian bercerita padaku bahwa mereka menonton film bersama.
10. Anjani said that the smell of durian made her sick.
Terjemahan: Anjani berkata bahwa bau durian bikin mual.
11. Carla shouted in my ear that she saw a spider.
Terjemahan: Carla berteriak di telingaku bahwa dia melihat laba-laba.
12. Desi said that her mother was scary when she was angry.
Terjemahan: Desi berkata bahwa ibunya menakutkan kalau sedang marah.
13. Imran reported that the fried noodle was tasty.
Baca Juga: Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech: Penjelasan, Rumus, dan Contoh Kalimat