- vein = urat daun
- wood = kayu
Contoh Kalimat Parts of Tree
- Indonesia produces rubber latex from trees. (Indonesia memproduksi getah karet dari pohon.)
- Rose is beautiful, but it has thorns. (Bunga mawar itu cantuk, tapi bunga itu punya duri.)
- I like to eat fruits, for example orange, mango, and papaya. (Aku suka makan buah, contohnya adalah jeruk, mangga, dan pepaya.)
- We plant the mango seed. (Kami menanam biji mangga.)
- My house is built from wood. (Rumahku dibangun dari kayu.)
Contoh Dialog Parts of Tree
Rama: My back yard is full of bushes.
Anita: Do you want cut it off?
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Source | : | Bobo |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |