- Pada Unit 8 buku Bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka kita akan mempelajari "The Giraffe is Taller than The Deer".
Kemudian pada halaman 79 - 80 ada soal Look and Write yang harus kita kerjakan. Kita diminta untuk mengerjakan delapan soal dengan baik dan benar.
Kali ini kita mempelajari tentang perbandingan suatu sifat benda dengan sifat benda yang lainnya.
Sebagai contoh, "Kayla is taller than Bina" (Kayla lebih tinggi daripada Bina) atau "Rina house is smaller than Paula house." (Rumah Rina lebih kecil dari rumah Paula).
Agar lebih paham, cobalah kerjakan soal-soalnya terebih dahulu, ya. Jika sudah, cocokkan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawaban berikut ini.
Look and Write
1. Is the rabbit smaller than the goat? ____
Which animal is taller? ____
Is the rabbit smaller than the goat? Yes, it is.
Which animal is taller? The goat is taller than the rabbit.
Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal 'Look and Answer' Unit 7, Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas 5 SD
2. Is the deer shorter than the giraffe? ____
Which animal is taller? ____
Is the deer shorter than the giraffe? Yes, it is.
Which animal is taller? The giraffe is taller than the deer.
3. Is the buffalo bigger than the horse? ____
Which animal is smaller? ____
Is the buffalo bigger than the horse? Yes, it is.
Which animal is smaller? The horse is smaller than the buffalo.
4. Is cici shorter than Lili? ____
Which one is taller? _____
Is cici shorter than Lili? No, it's not.
Which one is taller? Cici is taller than Lili.
5. Is the car newer than the bus? _____
Which one is older? _____
Is the car newer than the bus? Yes, it is.
Which one is older? The bus is older than the car.
6. Is the cat fatter than the mouse? _____
Which animal is smaller? _____
Baca Juga: Kosakata Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimat 'My School Activities' Unit 1: My Class Schedule
Is the cat fatter than the mouse? Yes, it is.
Which animal is smaller? The mouse is smaller than the cat.
7. Is the ruler shorter than the stick? _____
Which one is longer? ______
Is the ruler shorter than the stick? Yes, it is.
Which one is longer? The stick is longer than the ruler.
8. Are the blue shoes cheaper than the red shoes? _____
Which one is more expensive? _____
Are the blue shoes cheaper than the red shoes? Yes, it is.
Which one is more expensive? The red shoes is more expensive than the blue shoes.
Baca Juga: 16 Rumus Active dan Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris Serta Kalimatnya
Sumber: My Next Word Grade 5 - Student's Book for Elementary School
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Penulis | : | Sarah Nafisah |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |