- Salah satu jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang kita pelajari adalah news item text.
Apakah teman-teman suka membaca teks berita dalam Bahasa Inggris?
Salah satu manfaat membaca news item text adalah meningkatkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris serta kemampuan reading, lo.
Yuk, kita belajar selengkapnya mengenai news item text.
Pengertian news item text adalah jenis tulisan yang memberikan informasi aktual (sesuai fakta) tentang kejadian yang penting untuk diberitakan.
Tujuan news item text adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar.
Biasanya, news item text memberikan informasi yang merupakan peristiwa terbaru.
Generic Structure News Item Text
Berikut ini adalah struktur news item text yang terdiri dari tiga bagian:
1. Event/Newsworthy Event (Kejadian inti)
Kejadian inti tersebut menjelaskan ringkasan berita yang akan dijelaskan.
Baca Juga: Contoh Historial Recount Text Bahasa Inggris dengan Strukturnya
2. Background Event/Elaboration (latar belakang peristiwa)
Background event/elaboration memaparkan secara rinci latar belakang kejadian tersebut.
Detail yang harus kamu cantumkan di bagian ini adalah pelaku, lokasi, waktu kejadian, pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat, dan latar belakang terjadinya kejadian.
3. Source (sumber)
Dalam menulis news item text, kita harus menampilkan sumber terpercaya, ya, teman-teman.
Sumber di news time text bisa merupakan pernyataan, komentar, atau pendapat dari pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan peristiwa tersebut.
Language Feature pada News Item Text
- 5w + 1h (what, when, who, where, why, dan how)
- Focusing on circumstances (bahasanya singkat padat dan tidak bertele-tele)
- Using material process
- Using action verbs (kata kerja yang menunjukan aktivitas.)
- Using saying verbs (reported/diberitakan, said/dikatakan, quoted/dikutip)
Baca Juga: 4 Contoh Narrative Text Fairy Tale Beserta Struktur dan Artinya
- Using adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of manner.
Contoh News Item Text
US Approves Purple Tomatoes With Changed DNA
The US government has approved a new purple tomato for growing and selling in the US. The special kind of tomato was created by making changes to its DNA. The creators say the tomatoes will last longer and could help make people healthier.
British scientist Cathie Martin has been working on developing purple tomatoes for years.
Though the color is unusual, what’s really special about the tomatoes is that they have very high levels of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are found naturally in plants like blueberries, blackberries, and red cabbage.
Scientists believe antioxidants may help prevent heart disease and help fight against diseases like diabetes.
But tomatoes naturally only have a small amount of antioxidants in them.
Dr. Martin wanted to see if she could create tomatoes with lots of antioxidants by changing the DNA of a tomato plant.
DNA is a tiny collection of information and instructions stored in a chemical form. Just like computer code tells a computer what to do, DNA tells cells, the building blocks of living things, what to do. Every living thing has DNA that causes it to grow in a certain way.
Baca Juga: Contoh Analytical Exposition Text Tentang Pendidikan Beserta Generic Structure
Small bits of DNA, called “genes”, work to control different parts of how a living thing grows.
For example, humans have genes that control eye color.
GMO purple tomato engineered by Norfolk Plant Sciences, cut to show the inside.
Scientists believe antioxidants may improve human health.
Antioxidants are found naturally in plants like blueberries and blackberries. By changing the DNA of a tomato plant, Dr. Martin created tomatoes with antioxidants all through them – not just in the skin.
Dr. Martin’s experiment worked. She added two genes from a plant called a “snapdragon”.
Soon her plants were producing small purple tomatoes with lots of antioxidants.
Even better, the tomatoes remained fresh almost twice as long as normal tomatoes. Soon, Dr. Martin and other scientists created a company to promote the tomatoes.
GMO purple tomatoes engineered by Norfolk Plant Sciences mixed in with conventional cherry tomatoes.
On September 7, the USDA approved the purple tomatoes. Dr. Martin says it’s the first time the USDA has approved a GMO plant designed to target human health.
Dr. Martin and her company plan to introduce the tomatoes at farmers markets across the US in 2023. They also hope to sell the seeds to people who want to grow their own.
Sumber: News For Kids, NFK Editors
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Untuk langganan:
Majalah Bobo:
Majalah Bobo Junior:
Majalah Mombi SD:
Majalah Mombi TK:
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |