Let's make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for school lunch!
Prepare 2 slices of white bread, peanut butter, and your favorite fruit jam.
Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread and spread fruit jam on the other. Put two slices of bread together and enjoy it as a school lunch!
Cara Membuat Sandwich Selai Kacang dan Jelly
Yuk, membuat sandwich selai Kacang dan jelly untuk bekal sekolah.
Siapkan roti tawar 2 lembar, selai kacang, dan selai buah kesukaanmu.
Oleskan selai kacang di salah satu lembar roti dan oleskan selai buah di lembar roti satunya. Satukan dua lembar roti dan nikmati sebagai bekal sekolah!
Baca Juga: Memahami Procedure Text: Struktur dan Contohnya, Materi Bahasa Inggris
2. How to Make Egg Sandwich
Let's make egg sandwich for a delicious breakfast at home.
Prepare two slices of white bread, tomatoes, lettuce, eggs, tomato sauce, and mayonnaise sauce.
First of all, fry the eggs. Then, chop the tomatoes and lettuce.