Then, spread the bread with tomato sauce and mayonnaise sauce. Stack the fried egg, lettuce, and tomato between the two bread. Sandwiches are ready to be served.
Cara Membuat Sandwich Telur
Mari membuat sandwich telur untuk sarapan enak di rumah.
Siapkan dua lembar roti tawar, tomat, selada, telur, saus tomat, dan saus mayones.
Pertama-tama, goreng telur. Lalu, potong tomat dan daun selada.
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Lalu, olesi roti dengan saus tomat dan saus mayones. Tumpuk telur goreng, selada, dan tomat di antara kedua roti. Sandwich pun siap dihidangkan.
3. How to Make Fried Sausage
Let's make fried sausages for snacks at home!
Prepare our favorite frozen sausage. Let the frozen sausage thaw first at room temperature then cut the sausage into pieces.
Prepare butter, ketchup and mayonnaise sauce.
How to make fried sausage: heat butter in a frying pan, add sausage and stir until cooked.