Contoh Soal World's Holiday: St. Anthony Day, Chusok, Rakhi, New Year's Eve, dan Setsubun

By Niken Bestari, Rabu, 4 Mei 2022 | 20:15 WIB
Ilustrasi festival Rakhi. Yuk, baca contoh soal tentang world's festival! (Pixabay)

In South Korea, on Chuseok, masses of people travel from large cities to their hometowns to pay respect to the spirits of their ancestors.

Chuseok celebrates the bountiful harvest and strives for the next year to be better than the last. People perform ancestral worship rituals early in the morning.

(2. Mengapa orang Korea merayakan Chuseok?

Di Korea Selatan, pada Chuseok, banyak orang melakukan perjalanan dari kota-kota besar ke kampung halaman mereka untuk menghormati arwah leluhur mereka.

Chuseok merayakan panen yang melimpah dan harapan untuk tahun depan menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Orang-orang melakukan ritual pemujaan leluhur di pagi hari.)

3. Why do indian woman give men a bracelet for the festival of Rakhi?

Women tied bracelets adorned with colored stones, beads and pearls on the wrists of their brothers, brothers-in-law and male cousins in exchange for a promise of protection for eternity.

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The origin of the festival, also known as Raksha Bandhan (the tie or knot of protection), goes back to the ancient Hindu text, the Mahabharata.

It narrates how during a ceremony, the God Krishna cut his finger and Draupadi, the wife of five Hindu kings, tore off part of her silk sari and tied it on his finger to stop the bleeding.

(3. Mengapa perempuan India memberi pria gelang untuk festival Rakhi?

Perempuan diikat gelang dihiasi dengan batu berwarna, manik-manik dan mutiara di pergelangan tangan saudara laki-laki mereka, ipar laki-laki dan sepupu laki-laki dengan imbalan janji perlindungan untuk selamanya.