Materi Matematika dalam Bahasa Inggris, Kelas 5 Semester 2 Beserta Contohnya

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 2 Juni 2022 | 14:30 WIB
Materi 'matematika' bahasa Inggris untuk belajar UKK. (Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels)

A : What is the number before seventy two? (Angka apa sebelum angka tujuh puluh dua?)B : It is seventy one. (Angka tujuh puluh satu.)

3. What is the number after ....?(Angka berapa sesudah angka ....?)

A : What is the number after thirty nine? (Angka apa setelah angka tiga puluh sembilan.)B : It is forty. (Angka empat puluh.)

Baca Juga: Contoh-Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Tempat Wisata Beserta Artinya

4. Mathematical questions:

- What is ... plus .... ?

- What is .... minus .... ?

- What is .... multiplied by ....?

- What is .... divided by ..... ? A : What is five plus five?B : It is ten.

A : What is twenty minus two?B : It is eighteen.

A : What is five times five?B : It is twenty five.

A : What is thirty divided by ten?B : It is three.



Ucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris, 6 x 3 = 18!

Petunjuk: Cek halaman 2!

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